Portfolio style options can be set in each visual composer element or can be inherited from theme options.
- Metro – You can activate metro layout only in the portfolio visual composer element, if activated, all portfolio columns will be changed to default 3 columns. To change the metro column for each element go to Portfolio Item and change the option Metro Layout Column.
- Columns – Select the columns that you want to show your portfolio items, the option can be inherited from Theme Options or can be changed for each visual composer element. Make sure that metro is not activated.
- Spacing – Add spacing between portfolio items, number is represented in pixels. The option can be inherited from Theme Options or can be changed by selecting custom, after selecting custom a new textfield will apper where you will be able to enter the number.
- Hover Transparency – Change the transparency of hover, default is 1. If you want no transparency set the value to 0. The option can be find in Theme Options > Portfolio, also the option can be inherited or changed for each portfolio item at Item Hover tab in portfolio item.
- Hover Color – Change the color of hover for all portfolio items. The option can be found in Theme Options > Portfolio, also the option can be inherited or changed for each portfolio item at Item Hover tab in portfolio item.
- Meta Title Color – Change the color of meta title, the value can be inherit from theme options or set custom for this vc element.
- Categories Color – Change the color of categories, the value can be inherit from theme options or set custom for this vc element.
Extra Class
You can add extra classes to this element, if you want to add more than one, separate them with spaces.
Design Options
Change the design of this element, different style can be set only for this element.